I finished making the screencaps from "Gorky Park". I'm going to miss it. Not the scene with Brian Dennehy and the tree though. That one upsets me.

"Gorky Park" is actually one of the first memories I have with William Hurt. My family ran a video store. We'd rent out VHS tapes from our actual kitchen. You know. Those clunky things that were in boxes. Well when my sister and I were young we'd help to put the tapes back in the empty boxes. There were always these tapes that no matter how hard we looked for them we could not find the boxes to. One of these mysteries was a film called "Gorky Park". It was like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It was elusive and an obsession.

Well one day I was on the ground. Don't ask me why. I have no memory. I was about 7 or 8. All I remember is being on the ground and looking under a shelf. Lost amid the bird seed and budgie feathers (my family had budgies up on the top video shelf that would occassionally poop on our customers heads) there was a tape case. I pulled it out. It was the long lost "Gorky Park". I remember being happy about finding it. I can't remember what I thought of William Hurt. I think I thought he was handsome. I remember the photos on the case because I was curious about the film after it having been MIA for so long. Also, despite what people say, and how deceptive it can be, people usually do judge a book by the cover and you usually will judge if you want to give a movie a chance by the case.

Years later a neighbour would give me the book to "Gorky Park". I never got around to reading it. Maybe I will someday.
I added some more "Gorky Park" screencaps.

I watched that film for the second time last night and I'm wondering, Mr. Hurt, if you tried the trust excercise on Brian Dennehy because I'm thinking that may be a bad idea.